In 2022... fall in love

A Writer's Bliss
Join Tiffany Carmouche in a
Writer’s retreat that is the perfect blend of beauty,
sensory experiences, solitude and guidance.
Yes, it is time to...fall in love...with your words.
Three Days, Two nights, in Paradise

The Perfect Location
Set in the Shenandoah, the property offers the perfect serenity and privacy for a writer’s retreat and sensory experience. Enjoy hot chocolate by the fire place or a glass of wine as you contemplate plots, character evolution, page tension, and elements of the hook. This manor is perfect for a casual stroll to summon your muse. You can escape to your private room, sit on the deck, curl up in a blanket on a couch with your pen and paper or capture your story on your laptop by the fire. Much of your time will be spent in the charming manor, however, we will have a few outings in the beautiful Luray.

The Perfect Mentor/Coach
Bestselling author Tiffany Carmouche is skilled in bringing words to life and knows the importance of keeping the reader turning the page. Shirley Buchanan describes Tiffany's ability to captivate her fans, “The skillful weaving of a multitude of emotions brings forth an intricate and exciting plot. Mystery, intrigue, love or despair weaves an engrossing tale with well-developed characters." Nicki Wilson from the UK sums up Tiffany's ability. “The thriller/suspense aspect is fantastic! I can only compare it to watching a movie where you want to shout "Run! Hide! Quick!”
Tiffany not only is a skilled novelist. Her poetry is breathtaking and she knows how to capture emotions in words. She has led retreats and service experiences all over the world and has taught for over 15 years. She is known for her experiential teaching. She will help you use your senses to make your words breathe.
It is never too late
to write your story...

The Perfect Mixture
What sets this exclusive writer's retreat apart from the rest is the perfect combination of an intimate group, large quiet blocks of time for you to be able to actually write, one on one coaching to help you in whatever stage you are in your journey, community, fun and sensory experiences. Tiffany will use the setting, excursions and facilitate activities to assist you in learning to savor moments and heighten your senses to help you focus on the subtleties that help the words pop off the page. You can bring a manuscript you are currently working on, a finished novel you want to polish, an idea or just the desire to create something. By carving time out of your busy schedule to be a part of this unique experience you will find that the blend of carefully calculated activities and your willingness to say yes will set this year apart. Begin the year by making your writing a priority.
Take your skills to a new and exciting level and people will fall in love with your words.

TheBeauty of Luray
The town of Luray, Virginia, was chosen for our writing experience. This charming town sits in the Shenandoah Valley at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Serving as a gateway to Shenandoah National Park, Luray is known for spectacular views and outdoor activities less than a two-hour drive from the DC Metro area, making it a convenient destination for this 3 day writing retreat getaway. Luray is home to the world famous Luray Caverns and the Shenandoah National Park and scenic Skyline Drive.
3 Days and 2 Nights in Paradise
The Charming Lodge
The manor was chosen for this writing experience because of its and charming location. We wanted to have an intimate setting where you could focus on writing and you could have your own bed. As we wind down there is a fire pit as well as a fireplace so we can sip hot chocolate, and perhaps even roast marshmallows as we chat about the characters you brought to life in your stories.
Savor wine by the fire place or relax in the hot tub and let words dance no longer will they be unwritten.

This is an invitation to learn to trust yourself, embrace who you are
and trust your creative instincts.
By taking this step you are not only coming on a writer's retreat,
you are beginning a journey where
you are the author of your own life story.
Don't let another year go by with your dream buried. You deserve more.
Your someday IS TODAY!
Some of what you will enjoy!
3 Days and 2 Nights in Paradise
One on One Coaching Sessions
Tiffany will help you map out a plan for your project. If you are just getting started, and don't even have an idea or need help working on rewrites, story premise, plot arc, page tension, dramatic complications, character evolution, narration composition techniques, voice and prose style, the development of the antagonist, character sympathy factors, elements of the hook or need ideas for getting your book into the world, these sessions will help you. Tiffany specializes in developmental and content editing and provides coaching related to your individual situation to help make this intense 3 days productive.
*She does not do copy editing.
Sensory Sessions
Peace In the Beautiful Manor
Clarity Sharing Sessions
This is an opportunity for you and the other authors to talk about your aspirations, your work and your writing lives. Reflection and bonding, laughter and dreams.
Marketing and Visibily Insight
Gain insight about ways to introduce your book to the world!Marketing strategies and ideas on ways to get featured in the media.
Writing Prompts For Those Who Are Interested
Writing prompts will be available for people who would like them. They are not mandatory so if you are working on a project you can chose not to use them. It is meant to help people who would like to use them to either develop more as a writer or help with ideas.
Hours of Scheduled Writing Time To Dance With Your Muse
You may wish to skip some activities and keep writing if you are in the zone. You may even schedule more time for writing if you would like and no, you will not be lashed with a wet noodle if you decide to go for a walk, get a massage or soak in the Jacuzzi. But the goal is to spend the time writing, after all that is what this retreat is for, focused dedicated time to let your muse dance in the wind. Imagine what you will get done!
Tiffany has a unique method in helping you write using all of your senses. She is not only an author, but a musician and an artist and this helps her see things others often take for granted. She helps you focus on the subtle beauty in the word that will not only enhance your writing but also allow you to live a more fulfilling life. She has used her experiential teaching method to help make the lessons tangible, fun, interactive at times and other times self-reflective. Using the different senses as your writing prompt makes you write crisp, focused and the reader feels like they have crawled in the pages with you.
A beautiful manor for you to escape and get away from the hectic every day chaos that often consumes our days so your mind is free to dance with your muse.

Just think, you won't have to be bailed out of jail for acting on your impulses!
That is a good thing! Right?!
Cost of Bail $1,000
Not having to sleep with one eye open in prison...PRICELESS!

Celebrate and build friendships as you realize Your dream!

Let's dream up characters as we have an Afternoon Tea at The famous Minslyn Inn
Explore the
Shanandoah Valley, Luray Caverns

The famous Luray Caverns

As we leave daylight and feel the damp chill of the cave tickle our skin we shall stroll through the cathedral-sized rooms and marvel at the towering stone formations and breathtaking wonders.
As we examine the formations and the enormous chambers filled with stone columns, shimmering draperies and crystal-clear pools we will also witness the shadows and notice how the subtleties in nature play a part.
But not only will we see the beauty we will hear it.
This is one of the most beautiful caves we will experience this natural wonder as you expand your senses.
***Because of the limited space you will have to apply first.